Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Fifth Element

Things I love about The Fifth Element

Ruby Rhod
"This is Ruby Rhod coming atch ya from Fhloston Paradise." I know just about everything Chris Tucker said and did as Ruby Rhod was annoying but I loved it.

 Especially these scenes.

Whenever I can't get something to open or work or I get nervous trying to do something I quote him in the closest Ruby impression I can do. And yes I think it annoys whoever I am with but it still makes me laugh.
"Korben, Korben, Korben, Korben...my man..."

Gary Oldham as Zorg
 He was very fun to watch. Later when I saw him in the Batman trilogy as Commissioner Gorden I liked him before I realized it was him. But to top it all off I thought they did a great job picking the actor that played Sirius Black in the Harry Potter movies and when I found out it was Gary Oldham I was mad at myself for not noticing. I am usually good at spotting actors that I like in different roles.

Milla Jovovich as Leeloo
This is the movie I fell in love with Milla. I don't care much for horror movies and I own and watch all of the Resident Evil movies because of her.

I loved their steampunk look and the way they waddled. Last year I saw n NFL football player standing on the side lines in his gear and it was a very cold night, lots of snow. He was wearing one of those cape jacket thingys and he looked exactly like the Mondoshawan. I wished I had a pictures of it.
here is the cape jacket thingy so you can get the idea.

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