Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Guess the movie from the haiku

Can you guess which movie this is?

flesh eating zombies
buzzing under umbrella
amnesia. get out

Answer: Resident Evil

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Fifth Element

Things I love about The Fifth Element

Ruby Rhod
"This is Ruby Rhod coming atch ya from Fhloston Paradise." I know just about everything Chris Tucker said and did as Ruby Rhod was annoying but I loved it.

 Especially these scenes.

Whenever I can't get something to open or work or I get nervous trying to do something I quote him in the closest Ruby impression I can do. And yes I think it annoys whoever I am with but it still makes me laugh.
"Korben, Korben, Korben, man..."

Gary Oldham as Zorg
 He was very fun to watch. Later when I saw him in the Batman trilogy as Commissioner Gorden I liked him before I realized it was him. But to top it all off I thought they did a great job picking the actor that played Sirius Black in the Harry Potter movies and when I found out it was Gary Oldham I was mad at myself for not noticing. I am usually good at spotting actors that I like in different roles.

Milla Jovovich as Leeloo
This is the movie I fell in love with Milla. I don't care much for horror movies and I own and watch all of the Resident Evil movies because of her.

I loved their steampunk look and the way they waddled. Last year I saw n NFL football player standing on the side lines in his gear and it was a very cold night, lots of snow. He was wearing one of those cape jacket thingys and he looked exactly like the Mondoshawan. I wished I had a pictures of it.
here is the cape jacket thingy so you can get the idea.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Welcome to The Rock

The Rock was on tonight when I got home. I watched it while I cooked dinner. It's one of those movies that every time it is on I find myself sucked into it and watch it until the end. Speaking of the end. It's one of my favorite movie endings. I love the duo of Nicolas Cage and Sean Connery. I have always been a big Cage fan even if he only makes a good movie every other one. :)
Watch the ending here and let me know if it's just me or if you also think that the next National Treasure movie should start out with him finding in the leg of a church pew a clue to who shot JFK? That would be awesome. I hope Jerry Bruckheimer reads this.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Cloud Atlas

I have to admit I haven't heard of this book or movie before. I came across it this weekend watching movie trailers.

Check it out when you get a chance. I ordered the book from Amazon as soon as I finished watching the trailer. A real made from paper book, no ebook this time. I think this book just calls for the old school way, ya know.

I do that a lot these days. I see a preview for a movie based on a book that looks interesting, so I hurry  up and read the book before the movie comes out.
Anyone else read this book or are looking forward to the movie?

Sunday, August 12, 2012


While watching the second Sherlock Holmes movie I instantly wanted a pair of the vintage sunglasses that Robert Downey Jr was wearing.

This pair in the below picture are the ones I can't stop thinking about.
(I'm not entirely sure if this is from the movie or not, I googled for it)

I want a pair of these with the side lenses. 

I have looked online and found these pictures but cannot find anywhere to buy a pair like this. I suppose I could make my own pair but I wouldn't know where to begin and I fear it would require welding or saudering and that's beyond my skill level. If you know where I may be able to get some vintage sunglasses with the side lenses like this please let me know.

Cheese Pizza

Whenever I eat cheese pizza even if I am not alone. I always say  "A lovely cheese pizza just for me"
It's from this scene in Home Alone where Kevin orders a cheese pizza and since his siblings are gone he gets it all to himself.

I watch this movie several times at the end of the year during my Christmas movie marathon.

Friday, August 3, 2012


Coverage of the gold medal winners at the Olympics this morning made me want to watch the episode of The Andy Griffith Show titled A Black Day For Mayberry. It's the one where Andy and Barney were supposed to keep a secret that a truck with seven million dollars worth of gold would be going through town but Barney told his girlfriend Juanita and then the whole town knew!

I love the scene where the townspeople have formed a parade for the truck complete with a welcome banner.

They put Barney in the back to guard the gold while the driver eats supper. He can't help but sneak a peak at the gold bricks.

He quickly finds out they are just boxes of sand.

Turns out they were just using Mayberry for the decoy truck. My very favorite show and this classic humor is priceless.